Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Boned Age tour Numero Dos Ya Herd!

Alrighty, What's Good? Before I get into this, I have to say I just sprained my mutha fuckin Ankle over the weekend, while riding my bike. The worst part about it is, I was doing a simple trick, that i can normally do blind folded. However, I did fuck up and now I have to hop around at a slow pace on a fuckin crutch..
fucknway, I have to skip some dates on the Tour, don't want to ruin all the surprises for Season 2, and bring you to Lake Erie.. We got drunk and had a blast. Danny, Sketchy and Scotty decided to team up on me, for a pink belly bashing. They also decided to get Lucas as well... Enjoy..

Ok, If your wondering what Im wearing, Its a woman's one piece... Luckily Carolla's mom had some extra for me. Danny spit on his hand, turned his ring around and slapped the shit out of me...

Here is the after math of about 5 or 6 slaps..

After they got me..It was Goon's turn.. Needless to say he got it worse..

And the whore able after math..

On the way back I seen this bridge.. Who tags a Cock and balls????

Well Thats it fo now. One more blog from tour will be posted.. So stay on it peeps.. Until next time.. As always


Little Brother

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