Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A man who loved the green goop

Peep this shit.... I want to smoke this weed more than any other weed in the world...

Nearly two pounds of still-green plant material found in a 2,700-year-old grave in the Gobi Desert has just been identified as the world's oldest marijuana stash, according to a paper in the latest issue of the Journal of Experimental Botany. (FUCK YEAH)

A barrage of tests proves the marijuana possessed potent psychoactive properties (Mmmm) and casts doubt on the theory that the ancients only grew the plant for hemp in order to make clothing, rope and other objects.

They apparently were getting high too. (Uh, no shit!)

For the rest of this Dope ass story go to..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Boned Age tour Numero Dos Ya Herd!

Alrighty, What's Good? Before I get into this, I have to say I just sprained my mutha fuckin Ankle over the weekend, while riding my bike. The worst part about it is, I was doing a simple trick, that i can normally do blind folded. However, I did fuck up and now I have to hop around at a slow pace on a fuckin crutch..
fucknway, I have to skip some dates on the Tour, don't want to ruin all the surprises for Season 2, and bring you to Lake Erie.. We got drunk and had a blast. Danny, Sketchy and Scotty decided to team up on me, for a pink belly bashing. They also decided to get Lucas as well... Enjoy..

Ok, If your wondering what Im wearing, Its a woman's one piece... Luckily Carolla's mom had some extra for me. Danny spit on his hand, turned his ring around and slapped the shit out of me...

Here is the after math of about 5 or 6 slaps..

After they got me..It was Goon's turn.. Needless to say he got it worse..

And the whore able after math..

On the way back I seen this bridge.. Who tags a Cock and balls????

Well Thats it fo now. One more blog from tour will be posted.. So stay on it peeps.. Until next time.. As always


Little Brother

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Boned Age tour Numero uno Ya Herd!

On September 5th I set out on tour to film the second season of "The Adventures of Danny and The Dingo". The trip was long, dirty, intoxicating and Amazing. We started out at the Hard Rock hotel in San Diego CA. First night got a lil crazy, when we decided to go to the W hotel for Nicole Richie's party. We all got plastered. Dingo somehow got into an argument with some dude, over some whack bullshit. I looked over and seen this guy throwing punches at Dingo, so i ran over to the guy, put him in a full nelson and through myself backward. I got yelled at by people not knowing what was going on, so I figured I would let the guy go. The guy ran off like a pussy and Dingo got kicked out. Time to leave that sheeeit. Next Day was more relaxed and as the night grew closer it was time to get the Premiere going and into party mode...

Dingo and crowd watching "The Boned Age"

Results of having a pool at a premiere party..

Max Dubs came out to proudly support Grenade! Awesome he came out..

It was an awesome night, everyone got wasted and had a great time. The next day we headed back to LA. As we were heading down Hollywood Blvd, I caught Mr Wolf munchin' down on some Cheezits.. haha. Dude was so hungry....

I will post some more... Until Next time..


Little Brother

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dust off Video of November!

In 2006 I went on the road to film this tour (Dunn & Vito's Rock Tour). Yesterday I had to digg up some old video and TV trailers. I thought I would brush off this video preview and put it up in yo ass. I do get stomped on :) So enjoy and look for the next Dust Off Video of the Month!


-Little Brother

Dunn & Vito's Rock Tour from bryon lambe on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Adventures of Danny and The Dingo

Fuel TV has picked up their first REAL reality show that blows all other shows out of the mutha fuckin water. The show is on its 5th episode, as of tonight 8pm. So if you have Tivo or moxi or some type of box that records television, I advise you to set it to record. If not, get your ass over to or to watch all the current episodes. Here is the first Episode fo yo ass.. Untill next time..

-Little Brother